If you need a real estate representative for your next home purchase, there are four qualities to look for if you want to hire the best possible agent.
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When it comes time to buy a new home, how can you be sure that the agent you’ve hired is well-suited for the job?
There are four key qualities to look for when evaluating an agent’s fitness for your transaction:
1. How much experience does the agent have? About 90% of the homes in our market are sold by about 10% of the active agents within it. What’s more is that the average agent only sells between three and five homes every year. A truly experienced agent will be much more active than this. Find someone who is not only very active, but is also providing quality service to their clients. Zillow is a great resource for finding active agents—they have profiles set up on the website, and clients can leave reviews for you to look at. You can even check out our Zillow profile by clicking here. On average, agents on our team typically sell between 18 and 30 homes a year—five times the number of the average agent.
2. What negotiation skills does the agent have? Most brokerages provide contract training, but training on negotiation isn’t as typical. However, negotiation skills are extremely important, since it’s through negotiation that you can determine how much equity you’ll end up with at the end of your transaction. Everyone on our team is a certified negotiation expert, all taught with the same curriculum used at Harvard Law. We’re very effective in getting our clients homes for the lowest possible price.
Everyone on our team is a certified negotiation expert, all taught with the same curriculum used at Harvard Law.
3. What resources does the agent have? A good buyer’s representative will offer you some off-market properties in addition to what can be found on the MLS. Almost 25% of the transactions that take place today involve homes that never made it the MLS. Those transactions are brokered between the top 10% of agents mentioned earlier. In addition to getting you access to more listings, a top agent can provide other resources like vendor referrals for movers, painters, contractors, and more.
4. Can you click with their personality? Over the course of the transaction, agents and clients tend to form an intimate relationship. We’re helping you build your dream of moving into your new home, so of course you’d want to work with someone you actually enjoyed working with.
If you’re in need of an agent to represent you during your next home purchase, we’d be delighted to interview for the opportunity to help you find your dream home, so feel free to reach out us. We’ll be right here, ready to help you create a better life through real estate.
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