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Can Facebook Help You Sell Your Home?

If used correctly, Facebook can be an amazing marketing tool for today’s home sellers.

In the age of the internet, there are many online resources that can help people sell their homes—but what about Facebook? Can Facebook help you sell? Actually, yes. Using a targeted approach, Facebook can allow sellers to double their exposure online. Here’s how it works: First, ask yourself who the ideal buyer for your property is. Defining the profile of your ideal buyer will help you determine what your “avatar” is and how you can market to them. In this case, the term “avatar” means your target buyer.

Once you have this avatar in mind, it’s time to film and post video footage of your home. Videos get the highest level of engagement on Facebook, and are also the most highly prioritized in terms of where they appear on the site.

Using a targeted approach, Facebook can allow sellers to double their exposure online.

The third step in leveraging this platform to gain exposure for your listing is to pay for Facebook ads. Using Facebook advertising to reach your specific, ideal buyer can vastly increase the amount of attention your listing receives.
Facebook is such an effective real estate marketing tool that our team was recently interviewed by The Wall Street Journal regarding this tactic. You can see the full article here, but to summarize what we revealed during the interview, our team was once able to sell a client’s home for $125,000 more than the next-highest offer by using Facebook in our marketing. The bottom line is this: Using Facebook as a tool to help sell your home can be massively effective. If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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